THE MIGHTY EIGHTH , a soon to be released mini-series co-produced by Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg is in final production for release by Apple streaming TV late in the winter 2019 or spring 2020. Planned as a continuation of the epic series that began with the EMMY – winning BAND OF BROTHERS and THE PACIFIC, the new series will follow the lives of core characters representing the 350,000 men who flew from British bases against Nazi Germany and occupied Europe.
With an average age of twenty-two, the lives of the airmen who flew as much for each other as for their country, existed only as long as the next mission. Over 28,000 paid with their lives in the largest loss by percentage of the entire military. NO NEED TO WAIT FOR THE SERIES TO AIR
Five chapters in Jerome M. O’Connor’s book are set in real life at the same now disused airfields as will be fictionally depicted in the mini-series. Buy the book on Amazon or at a bookseller and be a time-traveler as O’Connor takes the reader into the center of the action and into the real and existing portions of the airfields that dotted the British landscape.